SB676,7,2317 e. Training concerning cultural diversity, including sensitivity toward racial
18and ethnic differences. The training shall be designed to prevent the use of race,
19racial profiling, racial stereotyping, or other race-based discrimination or selection
20as a basis for detaining, searching, or arresting a person or for otherwise treating a
21person differently from persons of other races and shall emphasize the fact that the
22primary purposes of enforcement of traffic regulations are safety and equal and
23uniform enforcement under the law.
SB676,8,1624 2. Except as provided in subd. 7., no person may be employed as a law
25enforcement or tribal law enforcement officer, except on a temporary or probationary

1basis, unless the person satisfactorily completes the program established under
2subd. 1. A recruit who has not satisfactorily completed the program established
3under subd. 1. may perform the duties of a law enforcement or tribal law enforcement
4officer only under the oversight of a certified law enforcement or tribal law
5enforcement officer. Upon successful completion of the program established under
6subd. 1., a recruit may be certified by the board as a law enforcement or tribal law
7enforcement officer. In order to be eligible for certification, a recruit must
8successfully complete the program established under subd. 1. within the original
9period of his or her temporary or probationary employment that, except as provided
10in subd. 5. or as otherwise authorized by law, may not exceed 18 months from his or
11her date of hire. Except as provided in sub. (3m) (a), and in addition to certification
12procedures under this paragraph, the board may certify any person as being a tribal
13law enforcement officer on the basis of the person's completion of the training
14requirements for law enforcement officer certification prior to May 6, 1994. The
15officer must also meet the agreement requirements under sub. (3) (c) prior to
16certification as a tribal law enforcement officer.
SB676,8,24 173. Preservice students taking part in the preparatory program of law
18enforcement or tribal law enforcement officer training established by the board
19under subd. 1. shall submit fingerprints to the department of justice. The
20department of justice shall verify the identity of the person fingerprinted and obtain
21records of his or her criminal arrests and convictions in Wisconsin. The department
22of justice shall submit each set of fingerprints to the federal bureau of investigation
23for the purpose of verifying the person fingerprinted and obtaining records of his or
24her criminal arrests and convictions on file with the federal bureau of investigation.
14. No person who has been convicted of any federal felony, any crime of domestic
2violence, or of any offense that, if committed in Wisconsin, could be punished as a
3felony may take part in preparatory training unless he or she has been granted an
4absolute and conditional pardon for the crime.
SB676,9,75 5. Upon a showing of good cause by a recruit or a recruit's employer, the board
6may extend the recruit's original period of temporary or probationary employment
7for a period of time it deems appropriate.
SB676,9,158 6. a. Except as provided in subd. 7., no person may continue as a law
9enforcement or tribal law enforcement officer, except on a temporary or probationary
10basis, unless that person completes annual recertification training. Any officer
11elected by popular vote who is also a certified officer must complete annual
12recertification training to maintain certification. Any officer who is subject to this
13subdivision shall complete at least 24 hours each fiscal year beginning in the fiscal
14year following the fiscal year in which he or she is certified as a law enforcement or
15tribal law enforcement officer by the board.
SB676,9,1916 b. Each officer who is subject to this subdivision shall biennially complete at
17least 4 hours of training from curricula based upon model standards promulgated by
18the board under par. (d). Hours of training completed under this subdivision shall
19count toward the hours of training required under subd. 6. a.
SB676,9,2420 7. Law enforcement and tribal law enforcement officers who are elected by
21popular vote are not required to satisfy the requirements under subd. 2. or 6. as a
22condition of tenure or continued employment. The failure of any such law
23enforcement or tribal law enforcement officer to fulfill the requirements of subd. 2.
24or 6. does not make that officer ineligible for any promotional examination for which

1he or she is otherwise eligible. Any law enforcement or tribal law enforcement officer
2may voluntarily participate in any program established under this paragraph.
SB676,10,213 (b) Jail officers. 1. The board shall by rule establish program outcomes for a
4preparatory program of jail officer training. Specifics of the training curriculum,
5including the total number of hours, competencies, student learning and
6performance objectives, particular subjects, and the minimum number of hours for
7each subject may be established by written policy of the board. In establishing the
8preparatory training program, the board shall give due consideration to
9recommendations made by the curriculum advisory committee. The board may
10amend the rules and policies governing the preparatory training program as needed
11to respond to technological changes affecting jail administration, additional
12recommendations made by the curriculum advisory committee, or other conditions
13affecting the public interest in maintaining training standards of a proper
14professional character. The board may provide, by rule, that any part of the training
15program under this subdivision and the training program under par. (c) 1. are
16identical and count toward either training requirement under this paragraph or par.
17(c). The training program under this subdivision shall include training on mental
18health and medically significant behavior, including at least 16 hours on methods of
19supervision of special needs inmates, including inmates who may be emotionally
20distressed, mentally ill, suicidal, developmentally disabled, or alcohol or drug
SB676,11,522 2. Except as provided in subd. 5., no person may be employed as a jail officer,
23except on a temporary or probationary basis, unless the person satisfactorily
24completes the program established under subd. 1. Upon successful completion of the
25program established under subd. 1., a recruit may be certified by the board as a jail

1officer. In order to be eligible for certification under this subdivision, a recruit must
2successfully complete the program established under subd. 1. within the original
3period of his or her temporary or probationary employment that, except as provided
4in subd. 3. or as otherwise authorized by law, may not exceed 18 months from his or
5her date of hire.
SB676,11,86 3. Upon a showing of good cause by a recruit or a recruit's employer, the board
7may extend the recruit's original period of temporary or probationary employment
8for a period of time it deems appropriate.
SB676,11,139 4. No person may continue as a jail officer, except on a temporary or
10probationary basis, unless that person completes annual recertification training.
11The officer shall complete at least 24 hours of recertification training each fiscal year
12beginning in the fiscal year following the fiscal year in which he or she is certified
13as a jail officer by the board.
SB676,11,1814 5. Subdivision 2. does not apply to a jail officer serving under permanent
15appointment prior to July 2, 1983. The failure of any such officer to fulfill those
16requirements does not make that officer ineligible for any promotional examination
17for which he or she is otherwise eligible. Any such officer may voluntarily participate
18in programs to fulfill those requirements.
SB676,12,1219 (c) Juvenile detention officers . 1. The board shall by rule establish program
20outcomes for a preparatory program of juvenile detention officer training. Specifics
21of the training curriculum, including the total number of hours, competencies,
22student learning and performance objectives, particular subjects, and the minimum
23number of hours for each subject may be established by written policy of the board.
24In establishing the preparatory training program, the board shall give due
25consideration to recommendations made by the curriculum advisory committee. The

1board may amend the rules and policies governing the preparatory training program
2as needed to respond to technological changes affecting juvenile detention
3administration, additional recommendations made by the curriculum advisory
4committee, or other conditions affecting the public interest in maintaining training
5standards of a proper professional character. The board may provide, by rule, that
6any part of the training program under this subdivision and the training program
7under par. (b) 1. are identical and count toward either training requirement under
8this paragraph or par. (b). Any training program established under this subdivision
9shall include training on mental health and medically significant behavior, including
10at least 16 hours on methods of supervision of special needs inmates, including
11inmates who may be emotionally distressed, mentally ill, suicidal, developmentally
12disabled, or alcohol or drug abusers.
SB676,12,2113 2. No person may be employed as a juvenile detention officer, except on a
14temporary or probationary basis, unless the person satisfactorily completes the
15program established under subd. 1. Upon successful completion of the program
16established under subd. 1., a recruit may be certified by the board as a juvenile
17detention officer. In order to be eligible for certification under this subdivision, a
18recruit must successfully complete the program established under subd. 1. within
19the original period of his or her temporary or probationary employment that, except
20as provided in subd. 3. or as otherwise authorized by law, may not exceed 18 months
21from his or her date of hire .
SB676,12,2422 3. Upon a showing of good cause by a recruit or a recruit's employer, the board
23may extend the recruit's original period of temporary or probationary employment
24for a period of time it deems appropriate.
14. No person may continue as a juvenile detention officer, except on a temporary
2or probationary basis, unless that person completes annual recertification training.
3The officer shall complete at least 24 hours each fiscal year beginning in the fiscal
4year following the fiscal year in which he or she is certified as a juvenile detention
5officer by the board.
SB676,13,96 5. Any person employed and certified as a jail officer on July 1, 1994, is certified
7as a juvenile detention officer and remains certified as a juvenile detention officer
8subject to annual recertification requirements under subd. 4. and the board's
9decertification authority under sub. (3) (cm).
SB676,13,1010 (d) Police pursuit. The board shall promulgate rules that do all of the following:
SB676,13,1911 1. Establish model standards that could be used by any law enforcement agency
12to determine whether to initiate or continue police pursuit, to establish police pursuit
13driving techniques employed by that agency, and to inform its officers of its written
14guidelines provided under s. 346.03 (6). The board shall review and, if considered
15appropriate by the board, revise the model standards established under this
16subdivision not later than June 30 of each odd-numbered year thereafter. The rules
17promulgated under this subdivision are advisory only, are not required to be included
18as a law enforcement training standard under this subsection, and are inadmissible
19as evidence, except to show compliance with this subdivision.
SB676,13,2220 2. Establish the preparatory program and biennial recertification training
21curricula required under par. (a) relating to police pursuit standards, guidelines, and
22driving techniques.
SB676,14,223 (e) Equivalent standards. Except as provided in sub. (3m) (a), the board shall
24certify a recruit who presents evidence that he or she has satisfied, to a degree

1established by the board, a training program that is at least equivalent to a training
2program established under par. (a), (b), or (c).
SB676,14,63 (f) Local or agency standards. Nothing in this subsection shall preclude any
4law enforcement or tribal law enforcement agency or sheriff from setting recruit
5training and employment standards that are higher than the minimum standards
6set by the board.
SB676, s. 13 7Section 13. 165.85 (4m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB676,14,148 165.85 (4m) Training for constables. The board shall establish a separate
9training program for those constables who are not required to complete training
10under sub. (4).
A constable required to complete training under s. 60.22 (4) shall
11complete the same training as provided in sub. (4) (a) 1. for law enforcement and
12tribal law enforcement officers.
Except as provided in s. 60.22 (4), a constable may
13voluntarily participate in the program under this subsection. Expenses incurred for
14this the preparatory training program are subject to reimbursement under sub. (5).
SB676, s. 14 15Section 14. 165.85 (5) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB676,14,1616 165.85 (5) (title) Schools and programs; grants training reimbursements.
SB676, s. 15 17Section 15. 165.85 (5) (a) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB676,14,2518 165.85 (5) (a) All training programs and training schools for law enforcement,
19tribal law enforcement, jail, and juvenile detention officers and law enforcement
20instructors must be authorized and approved by the board as meeting standards
21established by the board. The board may authorize and approve a training program
22or training school only if it is operated by an agency of the state or of a political
23subdivision of the state. The authority granted in this paragraph does not authorize
24the board to select a site for a state police, jail, or juvenile detention officer academy
25or to expend funds thereon.
SB676, s. 16
1Section 16. 165.85 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB676,15,122 165.85 (5) (b) The board shall authorize the reimbursement to each political
3subdivision of approved expenses incurred by officers who satisfactorily complete
4training at schools certified by the board. Reimbursement of these expenses for law
5enforcement officer, jail officer and juvenile detention officer preparatory training
6shall be for board approved tuition, living, and travel expenses for the first 400 hours
7of law enforcement preparatory training and for the first 120 hours of jail or juvenile
8detention officer preparatory training
. Reimbursement of approved expenses for
9completion of annual recertification training under sub. (4) (bn) shall include at least
10$160 per officer thereafter. Funds may also be distributed for attendance at other
11training programs and courses or for training services on a priority basis to be
12decided by the department of justice.
SB676, s. 17 13Section 17. 165.86 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB676,15,1714 165.86 (1) (c) Identify state agencies and political subdivisions that employ law
15enforcement officers in the state and notify the appropriate officials of the model law
16enforcement pursuit standards established by the board under s. 165.85 (4) (cm) 2.
SB676, s. 18 18Section 18. 165.92 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB676,15,2319 165.92 (2) (a) A tribal law enforcement officer who meets the requirements of
20s. 165.85 (4) (b) 1., (bn) 1. and (c) (a) 1. and 6. shall have the same powers to enforce
21the laws of the state and to make arrests for violations of such laws that sheriffs have,
22including powers granted to sheriffs under ss. 59.27 and 59.28 and under the
23common law, and shall perform the duties accepted under s. 165.85 (3) (c).
SB676, s. 19 24Section 19. 175.41 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
1175.41 (3) (c) The commission warden meets the requirements of s. 165.85 (4)
2(b) 1., (bn) 1., and (c)
(a) 1. and 6. and has agreed to accept the duties of a law
3enforcement officer under the laws of this state.
SB676, s. 20 4Section 20. 895.46 (1) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB676,16,95 895.46 (1) (b) 1. Satisfactorily completed or are currently enrolled in the
6preparatory program of law enforcement training under s. 165.85 (4) (b) 1. (a) 1. and,
7if applicable, the recertification programs under s. 165.85 (4) (bn) 1. (a) 6., or have
8provided evidence of equivalent law enforcement training and experience as
9determined by the law enforcement standards board; or
SB676, s. 21 10Section 21. 939.22 (37) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB676,16,1311 939.22 (37) "State-certified commission warden" means a commission warden
12who meets the requirements of s. 165.85 (4) (b) 1., (bn) 1., and (c) (a) 1. and 6. and has
13agreed to accept the duties of a law enforcement officer under the laws of this state.
SB676,16,1414 (End)